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Vinoshipper App

Seamlessly integrate orders from Commerce7 to Vinoshipper
One Cart Checkout
Streamlining the shopping process with a unified cart on your website enhances the overall customer experience, making it more intuitive for your visitors.
Order Syncing

Real-time synchronization of shipping orders for designated states to Vinoshipper. Tracking information is sent back to Commerce7 to automatically mark orders as fulfilled.

Reduced Processing Fees

The credit card processing fee associated with Vinoshipper's platform does not apply to orders that are processed through Commerce7.



How it works


  • When a shipping order is placed for the states you have defined, it will automatically flow to Vinoshipper for compliance verification.

  • Once the order is fulfilled in Vinoshipper, the tracking numbers will be automatically sent back to Commerce7, which will then notify your customers via email with their shipping information.

  • Refunded orders will not sync to Vinoshipper. Instead, they must be voided directly within Commerce7.

  • If an address needs to be updated, you must first void and refund the original order. Once that is complete, a new order should be created with the correct address information.

How it works

Set Up Steps

​Important to review before you start

  • You must have a Vinoshipper account. Signup at

  • Remove Vinoshipper links/carts from your website (if applicable): All orders will flow to Commerce7 using the Commerce7 checkout process. Make necessary adjustments on your website and remove Vinoshipper links or carts. You will likely need to engage with your designer for this. If you need a designer recommendation, click here for suggestions

  • Products: SKUs must match in both platforms to sync the information. Review other product details such as price

  • Shipping: Update your Operating Countries and create Shipping Zones for Vinoshipper's states that do not exist in Commerce7. Going forward, customers will be charged Commerce7's shipping rates. Here are the Vinoshipper Shipper Carriers and Codes you need to use in Commerce7 Shipping Methods. 

Install the Vinoshipper App
  1. Log into your Vinoshipper account.

  2. From the admin panel, navigate to Account > Integrations > API Keys.

  3. Click Create New Key.

  4. Copy the API Key and Secret Key (you will be pasting these into Commerce7).

  5. In Commerce7, go to Apps & Extensions and search for 'Vinoshipper'.

  6. Click the Install App button.

  7. Paste the API Key and Secret Key into the applicable fields.
    Click the Continue button.

  8. After the App is installed successfully, click on the Settings tab.

  9. Scroll down and select the states where you would like to send orders to Vinoshipper.

  10. Click the Save Settings button.

Test an order and learn the workflow

Place a shipping test order to selected Vinoshipper state. Check the status of the order on the order page and click on Vinoshipper tab (for card messages see more below). Read the Activity message

Button options:
  • Retry Sync : Use on Not Send orders and Failed to Send orders that you want to sync in Vinoshipper.

  • Void Sync:  Void successful orders in Vinoshipper.

  • ​More Actions: Check Fulfillment in Vinoshipper for tracking details.

Vinoshipper messages explained
Card Messages:
  • Sent To Vinoshipper: Order has been successfully sent to Vinoshipper.

  • Failed To Send: Order has failed being sent to Vinoshipper. Please review the activity below, made necessary adjustments and click Retry Syncing.

  • Not required To Send: Order has not been sent to Vinoshipper. Either the order has been placed for a sate selected in your Vinoshipper app settings, or it is a carryout,  pick up or refunded order. 

  • Voided in Vinoshipper: Order has been voided directly within Vinoshipper.

  • Don’t Send button: Use on a failed orders that you would like to not send to Vinoshipper.

Error Messages:
  • Authentication failed to Vinoshipper: Review the settings of the app from the start. Step has been missed during setup and the app is not connected to Vinoshipper.

  • Cannot modify a SUCCESS order!: Order has been successfully sent to Vinoshipper, refresh the page and the card on the order will update with the new status.

  • Order is being sent to (state) which is not in Vinoshipper Settings: Review your selected states in the App Settings tab.

  • How is inventory handled?

    Inventory is decremented both in Commerce7 and in Vinoshipper.

  • Do my Commerce7 Products automatically sync to Vinoshipper?

    No, you must manually enter your Products into your Vinoshipper account. They must have the same SKU as in Commerce7.

  • Vinoshipper supplies real-time dynamic rates directly from UPS. Can those same rates be applied to the Commerce7 orders?

    No, the orders will use the rates that you enter manually into Commerce7's shipping settings for your 'Vinoshipper' Zone.


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